Peter B. Winterburn (Memphis, Tennessee)
Peter B. Winterburn
Lewis, Thomason, King, Krieg & Waldrop, P.C.
Lewis, Thomason, King, Krieg & Waldrop, P.C.
40 South Main Street, Suite 2900, Memphis, Tennessee, 38103
Phone: (901) 525-8721
Fax: (901) 525-6722
University: Vanderbilt University Blair School of Music, B. Mus., Psychology, 2001
Law School: University of Memphis, Cecil C. Humphreys School of Law, J.D., 2006
Admitted: 2006, Tennessee; 2007, U.S. District Court, Eastern, Midde and Western Districts of Tennessee; 2007, U.S. Courts of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit; U.S. District Court, Northern and Southern Districts of Mississippi; Mississippi
Mailing ISLN: 919479119