Mary Beth Kur (Petoskey, Michigan)
Mary Beth Kur
Mary Beth Kur PLLC
Mary Beth Kur PLLC
455 Bay Street, Suite B, Petoskey, Michigan, 49770
Phone: 231-348-3200
Fax: 231-348-3222
Mailing Address: 455 Bay Street, Suite B, Petoskey, Michigan 49770
University: University of Michigan, B.G.S., 1985
Law School: University of Detroit, J.D., 1990
Admitted: 1991, Michigan and U.S. District Court, Eastern District of Michigan
Memberships: Emmet-Charlevoix County Bar Association, State Bar of Michigan.
Born: Flint, Michigan, May 25, 1963
Mailing ISLN: 901458986