Ryan G. Davis, (L.L.C.) (Mandeville, Louisiana)
Ryan G. Davis, (L.L.C.)
Talley, Anthony, Hughes & Knight, L.L.C.
Talley, Anthony, Hughes & Knight, L.L.C.
2250 7th Avenue, Mandeville, Louisiana, 70471
Phone: 985-624-5010
Fax: 985-624-5306
University: University of North Texas, B.A., Political Science, 2001
Law School: Louisiana State University School of Law, J.D.; Louisiana State University School of Law, B.C.L., 2004
Admitted: 2004, Louisiana
Memberships: Federal Bar Association, Greater Covington Bar Association.
Born: Denton, Texas, June 1, 1978
Mailing ISLN: 918126151