Steven Verne Lawyer (West Des Moines, Iowa)
Steven Verne Lawyer
Lawyer Law Firm
Lawyer Law Firm
4944 Pleasant Street, West Des Moines, Iowa, 50266-1783
Phone: 515-282-2080
Fax: (515) 282-1980 Toll Free: 1-877-282-2080
University: Iowa State University, B.S., in Physics, 1988; University of Southern California, Institute of Safety and Systems Management, Aircraft Accident Investigation, 1991
Law School: Drake University, J.D., with honors, 1991
Admitted: 1991, Iowa and U.S. District Court, Southern and Northern Districts of Iowa; U.S. Court of Appeals, Eighth Circuit; U.S. Supreme Court
Memberships: Governor, Iowa Trial Lawyers Association, American Association for Justice, Panel Attorney, Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association, Iowa State Bar Association, Bencher, Blackstone Inn of Court, American College of Barristers.
Born: Des Moines, Iowa, July 9, 1965
Mailing ISLN: 901416399