William B. Matthews, Jr. (Ozark, Alabama)
William B. Matthews, Jr.
William B. Matthews, Jr.
William B. Matthews, Jr.
141 East Reynolds Street, Ozark, Alabama, 36361-1145
Phone: 334-774-8804
Fax: 334-445-0830
University: Vanderbilt University, B.A., 1978
Law School: University of Alabama, J.D., 1981
Admitted: 1982, Alabama; 1988, U.S. District Court, Middle District of Alabama and U.S. Court of Appeals, Eleventh Circuit
Memberships: Dale County (President, 1998-1999) and American Bar Associations, Alabama State Bar.
Born: Ozark, Alabama, June 23, 1956
Mailing ISLN: 905089698