Michelle Horvath-Suralik (Woodland Park, New Jersey)
Michelle Horvath-Suralik
Norton, Murphy, Sheehy, Higgins, Vilacha & Corrubia, P.C.
Norton, Murphy, Sheehy, Higgins, Vilacha & Corrubia, P.C.
One Garret Mountain Plaza, Woodland Park, New Jersey, 07424-3396
Phone: (973) 881-1101
Fax: (973) 881-1369
Mailing Address: PNC Bank Building (5th Floor), One Garret Mountain Plaza, Woodland Park, New Jersey 07424-3396
University: School of Law, J.D.
Law School: Seton Hall University School of Law, J.D.
Admitted: 2006, New Jersey
Born: 1981
Mailing ISLN: 924252586